Saturday, July 25, 2015

Real Estate Agent Responsibilities & Duties

1. Educate you about your market. 2. Analyze your wants and needs. 3. Guide you to homes that fit your criteria. 4. Coordinate the work of other needed professionals. 5. Negotiate on your behalf. 6. Check and double-check paperwork and deadlines. 7. Solve any problems that may arise.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Home Inspections

In real estate there is a saying, "You get what you see and you get what you don't see". That's why it is so important to hire a reputable home inspector to examine the physical systems and structure of the house as a contingency of your purchase. The Smart Solutions Team recommends you contact an ASHI inspector. We can provide you with the names of area professionals.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Soil Composition

Determine if the soil that a home is built upon is not compromised by a high water table or substandard earth. Many counties have a geographic mapping system on-line that provides a wealth of information. You can also choose to speak directly with the county engineering department.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

How Long Has It Been on the Market?

Ask what the pricing history and days on market (D.O.M.) information is available. Most Multiple Listing Services included this information for the agents to review.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Flood Zone Issues

Know if a home is in a flood plain. A site that looks bone dry during the hot summer may be very different during a wet spring. Ask your real estate agent to assist you in gathering this information. There are various databases available. Here is a grid from the City of Stow.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Eat Before Writing a Real Estate Offer

When you are hungry, you may be likely to assume more financial risk than when you are full. This has been studied in the animal kingdom with results showing that animals will enter into more dangerous situations while hunting prey when they are hungry. So, first things first, eat a nutritious meal before you make an offer.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Buying Tip for Investors

Interested in purchasing a poor-condition house with a goal of rehabilitation? Research and learn if there are any health violations that need to be corrected prior to occupancy. You will want to know beforehand to avoid any unexpected and costly repairs. Often, it is the health department who provides this information.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What is a CLUE Report?

Undisclosed insurance claims could lead to higher insurance costs. CLUE Reports can be quite helpful in revealing if there have been costly insurance claims a current owner has made. It can also provide insight into any fires or flooding that may have occurred at the property. Prior claims could increase the cost of your insurance. A prospective buyer can request that the seller provide a CLUE Report as a condition of sale. A C.L.U.E. (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) Report provides dates of claims, insurance company(ies) involved, the type of policy, whether loss was related to a named catastrophe (hurricane, etc.), location of the loss (on or off property), the amount paid and cause of the loss. The report goes back five years into the history of a property. It is standard industry practice to purge losses over five years old.