Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tallmadge Home Sales November 2015

The market in Tallmadge is looking good compared compared to November of 2014. Both pending and closed sales show very nice gains. Call me with all your real estate questions and I will get you the answers!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Munroe Falls Home Sales November 2015

The Munroe Falls market is hot, hot, hot!!! Pending and transferred sales are soaring. Inventory is low so this would be a great time to list your home. Call 330-802-8076 today for more info.

Northampton Home Sales November 2015

The Northampton market experienced a drop in activity for the month of November. Sellers should sharpen their pencils to accomplish a sale. Buyers could find themselves in an advantageous position. Call me today at 330-802-8065 if you decide to list or sell your home,

Monday, December 14, 2015

Cuyahoga Falls Home Sales November 2105

Warm November weather brought out eager buyers in Cuyahoga Falls. There was a 46.3% increase in pending sales compared to the month of October.

Stow OH Home Sales November 2015

The real estate market in Stow experienced a nice gain of 15.8% in pending sales for the month of November. Both homes that transferred to new owners and those that "went to contract" were up compared to the same month for 2014. Any questions? Please call me at 330-802-8076.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Hudson OH Real Estate Sales November 2015

The drop in both pending & sold homes in November can be attributed to the time of year. Great news is that the market has dramatically improved a 52.9% from November of last year.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Northampton Home Sales October 2015

The Northampton real estate market continues to improve for sellers. Please note the increases in pending sales compared to September & October of 2014. Call me at 330-802-8076 with any questions.

Tallmadge Home Sales October 2015

As cold weather approaches, there was a slow down in both closed and pending home sales in Tallmadge. Compared to October of last year, however, there was a 61.5% increase in pending sales. Questions? Please call me at 330-802-8076 or respond to this post.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Speeding Up the Sale of Your Home

* Work with your real estate agent and price your home at the lower end of a realistic price range.

* Make repairs & stage your home as recommended by your agent 2 weeks in advance of placing it on the market.

* Keep your home tidy so that you don"t miss out on a showing. That right buyer who is move-in time sensitive may end up buying another house.

* Have in mind the lowest price and terms you are willing to accept so that when an offer comes in, you have a good idea of how you want to respond.

* If you don't receive an offer in the first 3 weeks of the listing, reduce your asking price and additional buyers will be qualified to obtain financing for a purchase.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Munroe Falls Home Sales October 2015

The real estate market in Munroe Falls showed little change from September. If you want to sell or buy, please give me a call today at 330-802-8076.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Hudson OH Home Sales October 2015

Hudson home sellers experienced a strong market in October 2015. Offers that went to contract were up 122%! That caused an inventory drop of 3.1%. If you want your Hudson home on the market for relocating buyers ready to start a new job in January 2016, call me today at 330-802-8076.

Cuyahoga Falls Home Sales October 2015

November is a good month to be searching for a home to buy in Cuyahoga Falls. Inventory is up and there are fewer competing buyers. Call me at 330-802-8076 to begin your home purchase process.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Stow OH Home Sales October 2015

Compared to October of 2014, the market showed a gain of 58.6% in pending sales (offers that were accepted but are contingent on inspections and financing). Yes, the market is improving! A common slow down has occurred in overall data from last month as fewer people are listing or buying homes as the cold weather approaches. This is a natural occurrence. Those who are looking to buy, though, are serious, so if your house is on the market you can still get a good offer.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cuyahoga Falls Home Sale Update Sept 2015

For those of you who follow the real estate market in Cuyahoga Falls, here are the stats for September 2015. If you need specific information for your neighborhood, just call 330-802-8076.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Northampton Home Sales Update Sept 2105

There is a nice inventory in Northampton, if this is where you would like to hang your hat. Interest rates continue to be on the low end, so act now! Call 330-802-8076.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Tallmadge Home Sales Update

With a pending sales increase of 36.4% compared to August, the market in Tallmadge remains strong for sellers. Buyers should take note, also. Sellers are ready to move as indicated by a 25.5% increase in the homes available for sale.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Hudson Home Sales Update for Sept 2015

Tips for a Successful Garage Sale

Tips For A Successful
Garage Sale

  1. Visit other garage sales to gain ideas on how to set up and display merchandise.  Note items that are on display, ask questions about their sales, times, days, advertising.  Ask which items are selling well. You can formulate your own opinion from the information you receive.
  2. Advertising is of the utmost importance.  Without it, your sale may not meet your expectations.  Do all of your advertising at least five days before the sale.  Be sure to ask permission before posting signs at certain locations, especially private property, such as: your church bulletin board, supermarket “community board”, beauty shop, neighborhood nursery school, and local library bulletin board.
  3. An ad in your county or community newspaper is bound to give your sales a boost.  Covering as much area as possible is necessary considering that only about one out of every twenty people who read your ad will show up.  It is not a good idea to put your home phone number in the ads, as this will generate calls from people who want to come early or who want to know what you are selling.
  4. You can design your own advertising flyers on a plain white sheet of paper by stenciling, drawing, or lettering.  The flyers can then be reproduced in quantity and on various colored sheets by using a personal copier or copy service for about four cents per copy.
  5. Signs for your sale can be made from large piece of cardboard.  These signs should measure at least 24” x 24” in order to be seen easily from a distance of 50’.  White signs with black lettering are easiest to spot.  The signs are best places at the entrances to your neighborhood.  You may wish to place signs at the curb near your closest neighbors’ driveways that read “Please do not block driveway”.  You may also wish to place a sign in front of your home that reads “Thank you for coming”.
  6. Saturdays and Sundays are the most popular days for garage sales.  Spring and summer seem to be the most successful seasons.
  7. Do not be surprised if customers begin arriving as early as 7:00 AM!  The “best deals” are expected then.  The bulk of any Saturday sale is usually sold by 11:00 AM, with the heaviest time between 8:30 and 9:30.  Sunday sale are more sporadic throughout the day.
  8. In presenting your merchandise, consider cleaning, brushing, or scrubbing anything that is greasy, dirty, muddy, or rusty.  Displaying clean merchandise may take some extra time, but it may very well double your profits.  Good looking displays attract shoppers and make items easier to sell.
  9. Display your prices in bold, large letters on self-adhering or hanging labels, in a conspicuous place.  This is the first thing shoppers will try to find.  Try to have two people handling the cash box to avoid a line and the possibility of leaving it unattended.
  10. When your sale is over, do not forget that your last order of business is to remove all signs and flyers from your neighborhood.  Do not leave them overnight.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Stow Home Sale Update for Sept 2015

The strong sellers' market continues for the month of September! Pending sales from August have translated to closed sales in September. Buyers are still out there & there is a drop in inventory from which to choose. If you have been considering putting your home on the market, please call me at 330-802-8076.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Staging Tips for Home Sellers


Create a Focal Point
"Pick out the most visible corner and put a large plant—I've found that silk trees work best. Set up a spotlight behind it so it lights up the leaves and throws an interesting shadow on another wall. It really makes a difference in a person's perception of the space, especially if it's a large room without too much natural lighting."

Set Up a Chat Room
"Be sure that the living room furniture is positioned for conversation as well as entertainment. Potential buyers should be able to easily envision sitting in a space where they can easily talk without having to move a chair or turn completely around."

Get Rid of Carpet Dents
"Furniture often leaves indentations in the carpet. When a piece of furniture is moved, I tell my clients to put medium-sized ice cubes in the imprints. As the ice melts, it causes the compacted carpet to expand and erase those imprints."

Accent Special Features
"Place an accent by a home's feature, such as an attractive plant near a fireplace to draw the eye to it or a tall palm or two in place that directs the buyer toward another part of the home or suggests a separation of areas. This also ensures that someone often enters the home to care for it."

Invoke the Outdoors
"Use a little nature in each room. I create a flow throughout the home using cuttings, flowers, dried flowers, whatever will work. Simple things, such as twigs to spell out a word or a small cutting tied with raffia around a pillow on a bed, draw the eye into the room but don't overpower it. I have even used a branch cutting to make a 'tree' in an empty corner. I try to use one piece of nature in each room to create an ongoing theme throughout the home. It works with any type of decor, whether it's modern or traditional. One important note: Always check for insects!"

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Four Basics of Home Appraisals

Although there are other factors that are taken into consideration when a residential property is appraised, here are the 4 (four) basic criteria that are taken into account.

1. Square footage

2. Distance of comparables

3. Sale dates

4. Style

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Munroe Falls OH Real Estate Update

The real estate market in Munroe Falls is showing increases in all three (3) categories below. It is a great time to either be buying (low interest rates) or selling (abundance of eager buyers). Don't miss out. Call 330-802-8076 today to find out what your options are.

Kent OH Home Sales Update

Home inventory is down in Kent. With any new hires at Kent State University taking place at the beginning of 2016 for the second semester of classes, now is the time to request a market analysis if you have been thinking about selling. Call 330-802-8076.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hudson OH Home Sale Data

The real estate market in Hudson OH is impressive. With continuing low interest rates, buyers are out looking and ready to make offers. Additionally, we are seeing multiple offers and sellers are getting handsome prices for their homes. Call today to learn what your home is worth in today's market.

Cuyahoga Falls Home Sales Statistics

There was a substantial increase in pending home sales during the month of August in Cuyahoga Falls. Buyers continue to search for a place to call home so if you want to get top dollar for your home, now is the time to call for a free market analysis.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Northampton Home Sales Data

Here is the data for the August home sale activity in Northampton. After a flurry of closed transactions and pending sales in July, inventory is down. Sellers, it's a great time to put your home on the market!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Preparing Your Home for Sale

Preparing Your Home for Sale

Let Your Home Smile a Welcome to Buyers.

With a little effort on your part, your home can be sold more quickly and at a better price. These tips have proved invaluable to owners and are worth your special attention.

1.     First impressions are lasting. The front door greets the prospect. Make sure it is clean and has that freshly scrubbed appearance. Keep the lawn trimmed and edged, and the yard free of refuse. Be certain that snow and ice are removed from the front steps.
2.     Decorate for a quick sale. Faded walls and worn woodwork reduce appeal. Why try to tell the prospect how your home could look, when you can show him by redecorating? Neutral colors fit with any buyers color scheme, and a new touch of paint will often result in a quick and profitable sale.
3.     Let the sun shine in. Open drapes and curtains and let the prospect see how cheerful your home can be (dark rooms are generally not appealing).
4.     Fix that faucet! Dripping water discolors sinks and suggests faulty plumbing.
5.     Repairs can make a big difference. Loose knobs, doors and windows that stick, warped cabinet drawers, and other minor flaws detract from home value. Have them fixed. (When prospects see things that need attention, they begin to worry about things they can’t see.)
6.     From top to bottom. Display the full value of your attic, basement and other utility space by removing unnecessary articles.
7.     Safety first. Keep stairways clear. Avoid a cluttered appearance and possible injuries.
8.     Make closets look bigger. Neat, well-ordered closets show that the space is ample.
9.     Bathrooms help sell homes.  Check and repair caulking in bathtubs and showers. Make this room sparkle.
10.  Arrange bedrooms neatly. Remove excess furniture. Use attractive bedspreads and freshly laundered curtains.
11.  Can you see the light? Illumination is like a welcome sign. The potential buyer will feel a flowing warmth when you turn on all your lights for evening showings.
12.  Pets underfoot? Try to keep pets out of the way as much as possible.

13.  Silence is golden. It is best not to be present when the buyer tours your home. I f you must be home, be courteous, and don’t force conversation with the potential buyer.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Stow OH Home Sale Statistics

The real estate market in Stow continues on its upward trend. There is a 55.6% increase in pending sales in August of this year compared to the same month in 2014. Closed sales for September will reflect this increase. If you are a potential seller, call and find out what your home is worth in today's market.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Packing Tips for Home Sellers

Tips On Packing

  1. SORT AND WEED:  Before you start thinking about whether or not you will use a moving company, the entire family may want to engage in a “Sort & Weed Party”.  The goal is to reduce the potential load as much as possible.  The entire family can objectively decide what they REALLY will have a need for at the new address.
  2. DESIGNATED AREA:  An area in the garage or basement can be designated as the one location where everyone can slowly store unnecessary items.  When the process is complete, you can plan and conduct a garage sale.  Anything not sold may be disposed of by inviting friends and family to stop by and take anything they can use.  Finally, any items still remaining can be given to a charitable organization.
  3. DECIDING ON A PROFESSIONAL:  It is really a pleasure to have an experienced, professional mover perform the entire task.  It can also be interesting to watch.  However, it can also be expensive.  There is a charge for each box provided, as well as a separate charge fro labor, usually based on the size of each container.
  4. DOING-IT-YOURSELF:  Moving yourself does not have to be a difficult chore.  However, it requires proper supplies, prior planning, and a lot of your time.  At least one month ahead of time begin pacing a few boxes a day.  Designate an area in the garage, basement, or spare room to store the packed boxes.
  5. ALL THE BOXES YOU NEED:  Obtaining free, sturdy boxes can be accomplished if you plan ahead.  The easiest place to find them is at the local supermarket or liquor store.  These boxes are perfect since they are constructed for the purpose of carrying heavy loads.  Prior arrangements can and should be made at the stores because usually as soon as the contents go on the shelves, these boxes are cut and thrown away.
  6. OTHER ESSENTIAL SUPPLIES:  You may want to designate a kitchen table or card table as your work area.  Newspaper can be used as an effective packing material; however, certain precautions must be made since the ink will smudge.  Any items that you wish to protect from the ink may be placed in various sized plastic bags.  Other essential items that you will want to keep handy at your work area are: twist ties, 2’ x 3’ plastic tape, a razor blade knife, and a felt-tip marker.
  7. ORGANIZING THE BOXES:  As each box is packed, use your felt-tip marker to indicate in which room the box will be placed and itemize the contents. If a professional mover is used you will want to work along with them to be sure the contents of each box can be identified.  Remember to itemize on the side of each box, since during the moving process they will be stacked on top of each other.
  8. MOVING YOUR VALUABLES:  It is not a good idea to include your valuables in the shipment of your household goods. It will be much sager to pack valuables in a suit case or “special” box which will accompany you.  Do not leave the container unattended.  You will probably wish to include the following items:  bank account books, currency of any kind, jewelry, precious metals and stones, valuable documents, coin or stamp collections, insurance policies, medical and dental records, and school records. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Tips on Moving Plants & Pets

Tips On Moving House Plants

  1. Moving companies will transport house plants but will not guarantee their survival.  I.C.C. regulations prohibit a driver from loading plant in a van if traveling more than 150 miles or longer than 24 hours.  Also, a driver may refuse to load plants if there is evidence of insect infestation which may infest the van.
  2. If you are moving to another state you may wish to call the appropriate agricultural agency in that state since there are some states that prohibit entry to all or some plants.
  3. When transporting plants in your care, place them o the car seat.  Never put them in the trunk of your car since any extreme temperature changes can be disastrous.
  4. Water plants a day before leaving, and securely place them in a cardboard box.  Line the box with a plastic trash bag, and then use newspaper around the pot to prevent shifting.  Do not over water the plants before leaving, since you can always find water at a rest stop.

Tips On Moving Pets

  1. Before moving your pet, be sure that it is in good health.  Schedule a physical exam with your veterinarian to determine if anything is needed before you begin your trip.
  2. If you are traveling by auto it may be wise to use a pet carrier.  Make sure to exercise your pet at rest stops, always s placing a leash on before you let the pet out of the car.  If you must leave your pet in the car, avoid parking in the hot sun and be absolutely sure to leave the windows open a few inches.
  3. If you are planning to stay in hotels or motels along the way, find out in advance which will or will not allow your pet to stay with you.  Know that your pet is as welcome as you are.
  4. If you cannot take your pet with you, there are pet transportation companies.  No matter what method is chosen, special requirements must be considered.  Vaccinations, interstate health certificates, and entry permits may be required.
  5. Your pet can be transported by air or rail but, again, certain requirements must be met.  Reservations should be made early.  A pet carrier is advisable. Attach any instructions for feeding, emergencies, or protection if your pet is going to be out of your care and dependent on others.  Make certain that owner name and address tags cannot tear off or be lost.
  6. A lightly fed pet travels better so you may wish to regulate food and water before traveling.
  7. If traveling with a cat, you should have the nails cut.  A nervous cat may inflict damage not only on strangers, but also may tear out a nail or two.
  8. No matter what method of transportation is used, sedation may be required.  Many veterinarians will prescribe the use of a mild tranquilizer for the trip.  Be sure to follow recommendation and dosage requirements exactly.
  9. Upon arrival be as reassuring as possible and offer plenty of understanding and affection.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Moving Tips for Seniors

Your goal is to be able to move when you want to move and not when you have to move.

Moving when you want to move, instead of when you have to make makes a transition much easier to adopt. If you research housing options ahead of time, you will not feel pressured into making a move. There are many professionals ready to assist you with the many questions you will undoubtedly have.

I suggest you begin sorting and evaluating your household items 3 to 6 months before your actual move. Of course, it can be done in a shorter amount of time, however; it is easier to do a little at a time and the work involved does not seem as overwhelming.

Start by doing one room at a time. While you are watching television, you can begin cleaning out drawers. Decide which items you want to give to family and friends. Antiques and collectibles should be appraised to determine value. Estate or tag sales may be in order if you have many items that you will not be taking with you. Consignment shops will sell clothing and furniture, paying you a previously agreed upon percentage of the sales price.

Another idea is to consider donating items with an historical value to schools or libraries. Homeless shelters and numerous other charitable organizations are also usually quite appreciative of donations.

Take photos of the interior of your home. This will preserve memories for you.

If you are going to storing any items, make a list of what each box contains and label the boxes. Later it will be a lot easier find something.

I recommend selecting your mover at least 8 weeks in advance. Contact movers and ask for some bids. Start using your frozen foods and canned goods, and cleaning supplies. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Home Selling Tip

Protect Yourself

We recommend that you Do Not Discuss the following types
of information with any buyers or real estate agents.

Keep in mind that Buyers want to obtain the lowest price
and best terms for themselves.

·       Reason for selling.

·       Motivation/urgency to sell.

·       Willingness to consider an offer less than listing price.

·       Terms under which you would sell.

·       Relocation timing, benefits of policies…if applicable.

·       Items of personal property, which you “might” be willing to include in a sale.

·       Any confidential information that would serve to disclose your negotiating strategy.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Moving Checklist

Moving Checklist

Make sure the moving company has the address and phone number of your new residence and     place of employment
Set aside all documents, valuables, and important papers that will be traveling with you
Make final arrangements at your bank.  Buy travelers checks and a cashier’s check for the landlord, etc., discuss details and make sure they all have your new address
Have a “Farewell Party” for friends, relatives, and neighbors.  Keep it simple.
Consider using plastic and paper products.
Six to Eight Weeks Prior

Begin “weeding out”
Conduct a garage sale
Obtain estimates from three moving companies
Contact your insurance agent to discuss the transfer of our homeowner’s policy
Notify all professional people and baking institution of your up coming move
                                                         Four Weeks Prior

Select a moving company
Begin packing items that are seldom used
Make arrangements if pets need to be transported
Contact the state Motor Vehicle Department if changes are necessary
Obtain change-of-address cards from the Post Office
                                                         Two Week Prior

Confirm travel arrangements
Have your automobile serviced so that it will be totally prepared for the trip
Notify utility companies of exact shut-off or transfer date, and turn-on or transfer date at destination
Notify other service companies such as: newspaper, gardener, diaper service, etc.
Call moving representative to review details and confirm schedule

                                                         One Week Prior

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Streetsboro OH Home Sale Statistics

Looking at the chart below there is an almost 27% shortage of homes for sale in Streetsboro compared to the same month a year ago. With a increase of 42% in pending sales, there are fewer homes from which buyers can choose. Make your home stand out. Call 330-802-8076 to learn what your home is worth in today's strong sellers' market.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Aurora OH Home Sale Statistics

Home inventory is down & buyers are looking. It's a great time to put your house on the market! Call 330-802-8076 to ask for a market analysis.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Kent Oh Home Sale Statistics

The number of homes for sale in Kent does not meet the demand of the buyers. Here is a great opportunity to list your home and make that move you have been considering. Call me at 330-802-8076 to learn how easy it is to get started.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Northampton OH Real Estate Statistics

The real estate market activity in the Northampton area of Cuyahoga Falls is nothing short of spectacular. If you are considering moving to a new home, now is the time to get top dollar for your existing home & also take advantage of the low interest rates for a new home. There are not sufficient homes available for sale to meet current buyers' demands. Call today at 330-802-8076 to find out what your home will sell for in today's seller market!

Cuyahoga Falls Real Estate Statistics

It is a strong sellers' market in Cuyahoga Falls. Buyers are competing for homes purchases as the inventory dwindles. This is the supply & demand we all learned about in our basic economic classes. To get top dollar for your home, call 330-802-8076 and ask for a for a price analysis.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Tallmadge OH Real Estate Statistics

August data is in for Tallmadge and the strong sellers' market continues. With interest rates low, buyers are still looking for a place to call home. Homes for sale are scarce as buyers gobble up the inventory. It is a great time to be selling a home!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            If you have been thinking about selling your home in Tallmadge, now is the time to request a comparative market analysis. It is a seller’s market! Take a look at the substantial increases in both pending & closed sales compared to July of 2014. Call me today at 330-802-8076 to get started!

Stow OH Real Estate Statitics

The real estate market in Stow is making headlines. Sellers are placing their homes on the market & buyers are taking advantage of low interest rates. Take a look at the upward data for July 2015 compared to July 2014. Call me today at 330-802-8076 and be a part of the real estate movement!

The Ben Franklin T & Home Buying

1. List the pros and the cons 

2. Assess their importance 

3. Weight their importance

4. Strike out any equal pros and cons 

5. Review and reflect, then decide

Friday, August 14, 2015

Our House Isn't Selling!

If you have listed your house for sale and you are not getting any offers, here is a guide to assist you in deciding how to adjust your asking price.