Sunday, January 31, 2016

Get Ready for the Spring Home Selling Season!

Sellers, get ready for the spring market. Here are some great tips for you to consider.

  • Start packing for your move.  A whole house declutter is one of your most important tasks. Store boxed items in a relative's home or rent a storage unit.
  • Spruce up your front door with fresh paint.
  • Pay attention to your landscaping. Trim shrubbery & add some seasonal flowers.
  • Fix broken door knobs and leaky faucets.
  • Don't cook meals prior to a scheduled showing to avoid any objectionable odors.
  • Make sure your home smells clean, but don't overdo with deodorizers that might indicate you are hiding something. 

Building Sites & County Records

Thinking about looking for a lot to build your dream home on? I highly recommend that you check with your county GIS (geographic information system) department. They are a wealth of information. Among other things, you can learn what soil classification the vacant land holds, what the topography is and the lay of the land with regard to watersheds. Any offer to purchase should also be contingent on a soil inspection.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

House Plants to Improve Indoor Air Quality

NASA's space program found that using plants can improve indoor air quality. Here are some suggestions to consider for your home.
  • Aloe
  • Spider plant
  • Philodendron
  • Gerbera daisy
  • Snake plant
  • Peace lily
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Azalea
  • English ivy
  • Weeping fig

Parkside at Eastwood Village Condo Sales 2015

580 PARKSIDE LN     $116,490  16-SEP-2015   
562 PARKSIDE LN     $110,000  15-SEP-2015   
541 PARKSIDE LN     $120,000  13-AUG-2015
527 PARKSIDE LN     $118,000  04-AUG-2015    

Friday, January 29, 2016

Home Repairs and Contractor Permits in Stow OH

Many home repairs you are considering require a permit pulled by a contractor registered with the City of Stow. You can call 330-689-2729 for information. Here is a link with names of contractors already registered. Additionally, a contractor can apply to be registered.
Lookup Stow OH Approved Contractors

Stillwood Condo Sales 2015

3388 STILLWOOD BLVD $316,966  24-JUL-2015   
3454 STILLWOOD BLVD $306,449  04-JUN-2015   
3766 PIN OAK DR     $317,700  07-MAY-2015   
3511 STILLWOOD      $245,145  24-APR-2015   
3413 STILLWOOD BLVD $307,142  27-MAR-2015   
3425 STILLWOOD BLVD $333,423  18-MAR-2015   
3556 STILLWOOD      $309,220  30-JAN-2015

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Fracking Wells & Ability to Get Home Financing

Increasingly, some lenders are looking more closely at financing properties with a fracking well on or near a property. If you are a home owner who has been approached by a company offering you a deal to allow fracking on your property, conduct due diligence and find out all you can about fracking. This is especially important if you are thinking about selling as a buyer may not be able to secure financing.

Falls River Crossing Condo Sales 2015

63 FALLS RIVER DR     $145,000  22-JUL-2015 
122 FALLS RIVER DR    $148,000  21-JUL-2015 
114 FALLING WATER CIR $147,000  03-JUN-2015
91 FALLING WATER CIR  $160,000  22-MAY-2015 
62 FALLING WATER CIR  $151,000  25-JUL-2014

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Woodbury Condo Sales 2015

2727 YORK DR        $182,900  13-AUG-2015        
2686 ESSEX CT       $184,500  17-JUL-2015   
3775 WOODBURY OVAL  $160,000  06-MAR-2015
2742 STOCKMAN CT    $155,000  02-MAR-2015    

Point of Sale Inspections

Check with local government, both the municipal and county offices to determine if there are any point of sale inspections required prior to title transfer. This is important for both buyers and sellers. Inspections commonly include safety issues like electrical systems and/or wells and septic systems.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Steeplechase Home Sales 2015

481 BUTTEVANT DR    $256,000  25-NOV-2015   
286 STEEPLECHASE LN $258,850  01-JUL-2015   
418 BUTTEVANT DR    $290,000  23-JUN-2015
251 CHELTENHAM LN   $284,500  29-JAN-2015        

Independence Place Condo Sales 2015

2599 JEFFERSON PL      $93,000     22-DEC-2015   
4919 FRIAR RD          $75,000     05-OCT-2015   
4929 INDEPENDENCE CIR  $85,750     17-SEP-2015   
4915 INDEPENDENCE CIR  $81,000     31-JUL-2015   
4920 FRIAR RD          $74,000     24-JUL-2015   
4923 FRIAR RD          $88,500     28-MAY-2015   
4928 FRIAR RD          $72,500     22-MAY-2015   
4940 FRIAR RD          $75,000     21-MAY-2015   
4927 FRIAR RD          $54,000     13-APR-2015   
4901 INDEPENDENCE CIR  $55,500     05-MAR-2015
4931 FRIAR RD          $67,900     12-FEB-2015 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Plymouth Village Home Sales 2015

2073 STONEY HILL DR $259,000  24-NOV-2015   
5989 BREWSTER DR    $247,000  14-SEP-2015   
1571 WINSLOW DR     $212,000  21-AUG-2015
MAYFLOWER LN        $241,000  26-JUN-2015   
5981 EASTHAM WAY    $200,000  12-JUN-2015
5990 EASTHAM WAY    $218,000  12-JUN-2015
6065 OGILBY DR      $194,000  29-MAY-2015   
6001 BRADFORD WAY   $248,000  26-FEB-2015
2017 STONEY HILL DR $269,500  03-FEB-2015    

Double Check the City, Township and School District

It is important that you make sure you will be receiving the government services you expect to
receive. Sometimes a home will carry a city address, but actually be located within a township. Public services such as water, street maintenance, police, etc may be different from the nearby city. Also, elected officials & zoning may be different, Lastly, double check the school district. Sometimes the multiple listing information contains errors so a few phone calls up front can be very helpful.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Woods of the Western Reserve Home Sales 2015

2203 BENJAMIN CIR   $344,900  29-DEC-2015
7405 HERRICK PARK   $428,000  15-DEC-2015
2177 BENJAMIN CIR   $390,000  28-AUG-2015        
2224 JESSE DR       $250,000  31-JUL-2015   
2131 SAMSON CIR     $542,250  01-JUL-2015        
2138 SAMSON CIR     $540,000  22-JUN-2015
7255 LASCALA DR     $430,000  20-APR-2015   
2221 KATE CT        $415,000  20-MAR-2015
2279 JESSE DR       $260,000  11-MAR-2015    

Winterberry Heights Home Sales 2015

2623 E BLACKTHORN CIR  $359,000  31-DEC-2015   
7989 PRINCEWOOD DR     $324,900  09-SEP-2015
2733 EASTHAVEN DR      $221,000  10-JUL-2015    

The Woods of Williamsburg Home Sales 2015

5845 NICHOLSON DR    $270,000  30-NOV-2015   
5900 NICHOLSON DR    $489,650  23-OCT-2015   
5966 LAURAWOOD LN    $380,000  03-SEP-2015   
5884 LAURAWOOD CT    $435,000  14-AUG-2015        
5809 ALISA CT        $400,000  10-AUG-2015   
6163 NICHOLSON DR    $371,000  08-JUL-2015
6132 INDEPENDENCE DR $408,500  13-JAN-2015    

Reviewing the Paperwork Before Making an Offer to Purchase

It is highly recommended that buyers ask their real estate agent for a copy of the offer to purchase in order to review its contents before sitting down to write an offer. You can then be familiar with its contents and ask questions beforehand. You will also be able to decide certain aspects that you may want to include such as timing of your move-in date, if you want a home warranty and many more details that will important to you.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Is the Square Footage Reported Accurately?

Trust but verify square footage. Here are some tips for rough calculation.

  • Assuming the county website is accurate, you can multiply the dimensions of the footprint of the home.
  • Keep in mind that any room not having central heat does not qualify as living space.
  • Basement areas used for living space that does not have (2) ways to egress (exit to the outside) does not count as square footage.
  • Often finished attic spaces do not count as square footage.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Comparative Market Analysis

A comparative market analysis is known as a CMA for short. Ask your real estate agent to run the comps on the local multiple listing service. It is also is usually a good idea to check the county to determine what homes may have sold privately. A caution here, though, is to make sure the sales were an arm's length transaction (NOT a sale to a family member for a reduced price).

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Leighton Estates Home Sales 2015

2000 WEYMOUTH DR   $251,000 30-OCT-2015
7306 GRANBY DR     $316,000 10-JUL-2015   
7259 GRANBY DR     $319,900 21-MAY-2015

Great Tip for Buying a Spec Home

When considering an offer for a spec home, check with the city's building department to make sure that the builder complied with all inspections and permits required for an owner's occupancy. A spec home is built with no specific buyer in mind. Spec stands for speculation.

Western Reserve Ranch Estates Home Sales 2015

7709 HUNTINGTON RD  $242,000  16-SEP-2015   
7582 SUGARBUSH TRL  $281,500  26-AUG-2015   
7766 RED FOX TRL    $236,000  02-JUL-2015   
7538 CROWN POINT DR $510,000  09-JUN-2015   
7602 SUGARBUSH TRL  $297,500  03-JUN-2015
7631 HUNTINGTON RD  $270,000  18-MAR-2015    

Silver Lake Condo Sales 2015

3066 KENT RD $52,000  23-DEC-2015 
3068 KENT RD $90,000  23-DEC-2015     
3064 KENT RD $86,500  05-NOV-2015     
3068 KENT RD $40,400  15-OCT-2015     
3066 KENT RD $85,000  30-SEP-2015     
3066 KENT RD $35,000  11-AUG-2015              
3064 KENT RD $62,000  31-JUL-2015                  
3068 KENT RD $40,000  17-JUL-2015              
3066 KENT RD $40,000  17-JUL-2015                  
3070 KENT RD $42,500  14-JUL-2015                  
3070 KENT RD $56,000  01-JUL-2015                  
3064 KENT RD $51,000  26-JUN-2015                  
3068 KENT RD $43,000  09-JUN-2015     
3068 KENT RD $83,000  01-JUN-2015  
3070 KENT RD $39,000  01-MAY-2015 
3068 KENT RD $43,300  20-APR-2015     
3064 KENT RD $77,000  10-APR-2015 
3070 KENT RD $32,000  06-MAR-2015
3066 KENT RD $63,000  20-FEB-2015
3068 KENT RD $64,500  12-FEB-2015
3030 KENT RD $53,175  04-FEB-2015
3070 KENT RD $34,000  30-JAN-2015


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Can't Pay Your Real Estate Taxes in Summit County Ohio?

If you are behind in paying your real estate taxes in Summit County, there is a program that may benefit your situation. It is possible to set up a payment plan that fits your needs. A special payment account is set up and no further interest is assessed against your delinquent balance. Call the Delinquent Tax Department at 330-643-2600 for details and decide if this option will work for you.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Laurel Woods Home Sales 2015

2941 LAUREL WOODS BLVD   $186,300  06-NOV-2015
2773 LAUREL WOODS BLVD   $220,000  01-APR-2015
4218 QUAIL HOLLOW CIR    $228,000  23-MAR-2015    

Monday, January 18, 2016

Do We Need a Radon Inspection?

Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the natural decay of uranium in the soil beneath a house. If a house does have uranium, it can be fixed with a mitigation system. For more information, google radon and the EPA. One house in a neighborhood can have radon and the house door does not. Therefore, be an informed buyer and do due diligence in making your decision as to whether you want to add a radon inspection contingency to your offer.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Stow's Huntington Park Condo Sales 2015

4603 COX DR    $50,459   09-OCT-2015   
4595 COX DR    $76,000   18-SEP-2015   
4305 COX DR    $72,000   31-JUL-2015   
1817 HIGBY DR  $71,000   17-JUL-2015   
1809 HIGBY DR  $71,000   10-JUL-2015   
4601 COX DR    $66,000   01-JUL-2015   
4595 COX DR    $72,000   14-APR-2015   
4503 COX DR    $46,999   05-MAR-2015   
1829 HIGBY DR  $50,000   02-MAR-2015   
1825 HIGBY DR  $70,500   09-JAN-2015
4616 COX DR    $51,000   05-JAN-2015

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Villas at Oregon Trails Condominium Sales 2015

3992 VILLAS DR $116,500  14-DEC-2015   
3996 VILLAS DR $116,500  06-MAY-2015   
4004 VILLAS DR $129,000  22-APR-2015
4006 VILLAS DR $114,000  31-MAR-2015    

Sheffield Hills Home Sales 2105

5246 BROCKTON DR      $209,000  03-DEC-2015   
5227 BROCKTON DR      $225,000  12-NOV-2015   
5238 BROCKTON DR      $222,500  02-OCT-2015
2966 E CELESTE VIE    $236,599  16-SEP-2015

Riverchase Condominium Sales 2015

2589 RIVER DOWNS        $270,000             29-SEP-2015      
2570 RIVER DOWNS        $270,000             17-SEP-2015
2585 RIVER DOWNS        $260,000             25-FEB-2015      

Timbercreek Estates Home Sales 2015

5441 TIMBERCREEK LN $150,000  23-NOV-2015   
3063 RAVINEVIEW CIR $243,000  01-JUL-2015

Friday, January 15, 2016

Hunters Crossing Home Sales 2015

2971 FOX BURROW DR       $404,040  15-OCT-2015   
3467 HUNTERS CROSSING    $257,000  06-JUL-2015   
1062 DEERCREST PATH      $270,000  25-JUN-2015   
2976 FOX BURROW DR       $140,000  03-JUN-2015

Munroe Falls Riverpark Home Sales 2015

536 RIVERDALE CR    $187,500  29-OCT-2015
538 PARK RIDGE DR   $189,900  25-AUG-2015   
516 WILLOW GROVE    $218,500  10-AUG-2015   
530 PARK RIDGE DR   $169,900  24-JUN-2015   
489 PARK RIDGE DR   $133,031  05-JUN-2015   
538 PARK RIDGE DR   $108,979  12-MAY-2015   
495 WILLOW GROVE    $238,500  30-APR-2015   
489 PARK RIDGE DR   $106,000  20-APR-2015
536 RIVERDALE CR    $145,500  10-APR-2015   

Pambi Farms Home Sales 2015

3128 BAY MEADOWS CIR     $506,500  23-JUL-2015
2784 SANTA ANITA DR      $423,000  05-FEB-2015

Springbrook Reserve Home Sales 2015

2824 SWEET FLAG WAY  $415,000  04-DEC-2015   
4953 SHINING WILLOW  $278,500  18-NOV-2015
2846 SEDGE GRASS TRL $325,000  09-NOV-2015
4853 SHINING WILLOW  $294,000  11-SEP-2015
2931 ROSE MALLOW CT  $325,000  07-AUG-2015   
2865 SEDGE GRASS TR  $288,000  01-JUL-2015   
2825 SWEET FLAG WAY  $350,000  05-JUN-2015   
2805 SWEET FLAG WAY  $364,650  18-MAY-2015   
4945 SHINING WILLOW  $314,900  15-MAY-2015
4751 BLUESTEM LN    $324,000  26-FEB-2015    

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Woodlands of Stow Condominium Sales 2015

2955 HEATHERWOOD CT $78,500   17-DEC-2015   
3873 LAKE RUN BLVD  $90,000   16-DEC-2015   
3975 LAKE RUN BLVD  $87,500   14-DEC-2015   
3985 LAKE RUN BLVD  $61,000   11-DEC-2015   
3951 LAKE RUN BLVD  $103,500  11-DEC-2015   
3858 LAKE RUN BLVD  $87,500   08-DEC-2015   
3767 LAKE RUN BLVD  $79,500   04-DEC-2015   
3763 LAKE RUN BLVD  $91,000   02-NOV-2015   
3860 LAKE RUN BLVD  $46,000   19-OCT-2015   
3909 LAKE RUN BLVD  $82,000   06-OCT-2015   
3981 LAKE RUN BLVD  $58,000   02-OCT-2015   
2894 HEATHERWOOD CT $90,000   25-SEP-2015   
2989 HEATHERWOOD CT $90,500   22-SEP-2015   
2920 HEATHERWOOD CT $83,000   16-SEP-2015   
3860 LAKE RUN BLVD  $50,000   01-SEP-2015   
3849 LAKE RUN BLVD  $103,000  27-AUG-2015   
2888 HEATHERWOOD CT $81,000   20-AUG-2015   
3971 LAKE RUN BLVD  $96,500   18-AUG-2015        
2928 HEATHERWOOD CT $89,000   14-AUG-2015   
3989 LAKE RUN BLVD  $75,000   30-JUL-2015        
2897 HEATHERWOOD CT $108,000  17-JUL-2015        
2970 HEATHERWOOD CT $96,500   07-JUL-2015   
3848 LAKE RUN BLVD  $85,000   30-JUN-2015        
2955 HEATHERWOOD CT $62,000   12-JUN-2015   
2876 HEATHERWOOD CT $85,000   29-MAY-2015   
3879 LAKE RUN BLVD  $95,500   22-MAY-2015
3894 LAKE RUN BLVD  $84,500   20-MAY-2015   
3955 LAKE RUN BLVD  $85,900   29-APR-2015   
2900 HEATHERWOOD CT $100,000  22-APR-2015   
2990 HEATHERWOOD CT $95,000   10-APR-2015   
3957 LAKE RUN BLVD  $92,300   17-MAR-2015
3825 LAKE RUN BLVD  $95,000   02-MAR-2015    

Eastwicke Home Sales 2015

3171 BERWIN DR      $277,000  17-NOV-2015   
4534 TURNBERRY TRL  $315,000  31-JUL-2015   
4500 BERRY HILL     $347,000  26-MAY-2015
4659 TURNBERRY TRL  $234,000  09-FEB-2015

Stow's Edgebrook Condominium Sales 2015

860 HERON CT        $155,000  09-OCT-2015   
3817 HERON CT       $155,000  28-SEP-2015   
3823 HERON CT       $150,000  23-SEP-2015   
3885 HERON CT       $155,500  23-SEP-2015   
4059 FALCONSWALK CT $127,000  09-SEP-2015
4074 FALCONSWALK CT $153,900  25-AUG-2015
3797 HERON CT       $147,000  31-JUL-2015   
3975 FALCONSWALK CT $167,000  23-JUL-2015   
3923 HERON CT       $170,000  11-JUN-2015   
572 TEALBROOK LN    $160,000  11-JUN-2015
3917 HERON CT       $157,500  01-JUN-2015   
3866 HERON CT       $112,000  24-FEB-2015
3714 HAWKSDALE CT   $139,900  23-JAN-2105    

Prescott Downs Condominium Sales 2015

2702 PRESCOTT DOWNS $195,000  30-SEP-2015   
3250 DELMAR AVE     $145,000  02-FEB-2015
2690 PRESCOTT DOWNS $245,000  08-JAN-2015    

High Hampton Home Sales 2015

2708 HIGH HAMPTON TRL    $328,900  15-OCT-2015   
2037 FOREST EDGE DR      $325,000  25-SEP-2015
2728 HIGH HAMPTON TRL    $323,000  26-JUN-2015   
2728 HIGH HAMPTON TRL    $323,000  26-JUN-2015
2683 TIMBERLINE TRL      $340,500  05-JUN-2015    

Multiple Offer Tips

  • A seller can choose to disclose that a multiple offers exists, but they are not required to do so.
  • A seller can disclose to one buyer, but not another buyer, the terms of any offer. Alternately, he/she can disclose multiple offers or terms to all buyers. 
  • A buyer may want to ask if one of the offers was written by the agent who holds the listing.
  • Both a buyer and seller need to be aware that an offer or counter-offer can be withdrawn at any time prior to acceptance by the other party.
  • A seller cannot counter to more than one buyer before withdrawing a previous counter.

Lakeside Commons Home Sales 2015

5055 LAKE POINT CT   $197,675   28-DEC-2015   
1856 NANTUCKET LN    $220,000   16-DEC-2015   
2027 DARROW LAKE DR  $237,500   17-AUG-2015   
2045 DARROW LAKE DR  $220,000   24-JUL-2015   
5067 LAKE POINT CT   $207,000   08-MAY-2015
1856 NANTUCKET LN    $209,900   27-FEB-2105    

Kames Condominium Sales 2015

4024 LITCHFIELD LOOP  $175,000  10-DEC-2015   
1098 DRUMMOND CT      $160,000  30-NOV-2015   
1098 ABERDEEN CIR     $275,000  18-AUG-2015  
1027 HEATH WAY        $156,200  10-AUG-2015   
1029 HEATH WAY        $145,000  31-JUL-2015  
4048 GLENCAIRN DR     $137,500  12-JUN-2015   
1288 BERKSHIRE RD     $139,000  13-MAY-2015
1110 ABERDEEN CIR     $155,000  29-APR-2015

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Regent Park Home Sales 2015

407 HEATHROW DR        $289,900  05-OCT-2015   
458 HEATHROW DR        $276,500  28-AUG-2015   
435 HILLBROOK DR       $270,000  31-JUL-2015   
3270 FORESTMEADOW DR   $245,000  26-JUN-2015
3238 FORESTMEADOW DR   $277,500  01-MAY-2015   
82 KEYSER PKWY         $264,900  31-MAR-2015
3260 FORESTMEADOW DR   $255,400  29-JAN-2015

Quail Highlands Home Sales 2015

4365 EASTWICKE BLVD $219,900  09-OCT-2015   
4375 EASTWICKE BLVD $214,000  09-JUN-2015   
3100 CAMBRIDGE DR   $234,900  24-APR-2015

Bayside Lakes Home Sales 2015

4983 BAYSIDE LAKE BLVD               $320,100               15-DEC-2015       
5003 LAKE BREEZE LANDING          $375,000               30-JUL-2015        
5069 BECKETT RIDGE                       $290,000               05-JUN-2015

Sherwood Acres Home Sales 2015

2609 VALLEYDALE RD  $173,000  11-DEC-2015   
4599 DRESHER TRL    $173,500  20-NOV-2015   
2586 SHERWOOD DR    $279,000  12-AUG-2015   
4827 FISHCREEK RD   $163,500  17-JUL-2015   
2494 VALLEYDALE RD  $179,900  10-JUL-2015   
4494 FORESTHILL RD  $150,000  11-JUN-2015   
2591 SHERWOOD DR    $244,000  02-JUN-2015
4478 FORESTHILL RD  $162,000  26-MAY-2015   
2491 SHERWOOD DR    $188,000  30-APR-2015   
2491 SHERWOOD DR    $188,000  30-APR-2015   
2583 SHERWOOD DR    $221,000  29-APR-2015   
2531 CELIA DR       $176,000  27-MAR-2015
2599 VALLEYDALE     $190,000  06-JAN-2015    

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Kings Mill Home Sales 2015

3265 CROWN POINTE DR     $269,900  09-OCT-2015   
3148 CROWN POINTE DR     $279,000  23-SEP-2015   
3190 COURTWOOD WAY       $234,000  09-SEP-2015   
3204 CROWN POINTE DR     $257,000  28-AUG-2015   
3197 COURTWOOD WAY       $273,500  27-AUG-2015   
3151 CROWN POINTE DR     $234,700  30-JUL-2015   
3163 CROWN POINTE DR     $259,925  07-JUL-2015   
4047 QUEENSBURY CIR      $227,000  26-JUN-2015   
3243 CROWN POINTE DR     $258,500  25-MAR-2015   
4023 QUEENSBURY CIR      $224,000  17-MAR-2015   
3183 CROWN POINTE DR     $215,500  16-MAR-2015
3243 CROWN POINTE DR     $258,500  23-FEB-2015 

Heather Hills Home Sales 2015

4128 ALICIA TRL       $167,000  10-NOV-2015   
1308 ARNDALE RD       $108,000  30-OCT-2015
1391 MOCKINGBIRD TR   $177,000  19-OCT-2015   
1606 BOBWHITE TRL     $165,126  19-OCT-2015
4050 RED WING TRL     $209,900  04-SEP-2015   
1246 GOLDFINCH TRL    $195,000  21-AUG-2015   
1281 ARNDALE RD       $182,500  24-JUL-2015   
4239 MEADOWLARK TRL    $88,000  23-JUN-2015   
4103 SPRINGDALE RD    $170,000  26-MAY-2015   
1227 ARNDALE RD       $195,400  20-MAY-2015   
4207 LEEWOOD RD       $154,000  05-MAY-2015   
1569 BOBWHITE TRL     $200,000  01-MAY-2015
1606 BOBWHITE TRL     $126,000  10-APR-2015   
4191 MEADOWLARK TRL   $144,000  05-MAR-2015   
4004 RED WING TRL     $167,500  02-FEB-2015   

1308 MOCKINGBIRD TRL  $175,000  14-JAN-2015

Chads Ford Home Sales 2015

1756 FOREST OAKS DR   $605,000  29-OCT-2015   
7438 ANDOVER WAY      $562,500  14-AUG-2015   
1649 HAYMARKET WAY    $532,500  27-JUL-2015   
1935 REGAN CT         $562,500  29-JUN-2015   
7559 ANDOVER WAY      $645,000  19-JUN-2015   
1772 FOREST OAKS DR   $585,000  04-JUN-2015   
7609 HEMPFIELD LANE   $540,000  29-MAY-2015   
7510 ALLERTON CT      $458,000  07-MAY-2015   
1812 E HAYMARKET WAY  $639,000  23-APR-2015   
7632 N VINEMONT CT    $735,000  27-MAR-2015   
7679 N MANNHEIM CT    $585,000  19-MAR-2015   
1939 E HAYMARKET WAY  $520,000  03-MAR-2015 
1282 HAYMARKET WAY  $1,050,000  20-FEB-2015

Hudson Park Estates Home Sales 2015

2377 HUDSON AURORA RD    $241,000  11-DEC-2015   
2674 BLUE HERON DR       $510,000  11-DEC-2015   
2573 BLUE HERON DR       $310,000  23-NOV-2015   
2536 CEDARWOOD CT        $340,000  20-NOV-2015   
7280 ARBORWOOD DR        $286,000  18-NOV-2015   
2511 BLUE HERON DR       $310,000  30-OCT-2015   
7444 WOODSPRING LANE     $357,694  24-SEP-2015   
7696 OXGATE CT           $365,000  16-SEP-2015   
2516 CEDARWOOD CT        $399,333  04-SEP-2015   
2745 PARKSIDE DR         $338,700  28-AUG-2015   
2433 WOODACRE DR         $378,500  27-AUG-2015   
7591 WOODSPRING LN       $267,500  20-AUG-2015 
7666 WOODSPRING LANE     $378,000  14-AUG-2015   
7328 ARBORWOOD DR        $335,000  31-JUL-2015   
7722 HUDSON PARK DR      $415,000  31-JUL-2015   
2428 OLDE FARM LN        $275,500  30-JUL-2015   
7335 HUDSON PARK DR      $284,000  23-JUL-2015   
2467 HUDSON AURORA RD    $276,500  25-JUN-2015   
2544 CEDARWOOD CT        $384,900  15-JUN-2015   
2541 BLUE HERON DR       $331,500  21-MAY-2015   
2445 OLDE FARM LN        $276,000  17-APR-2015   
2409 HUDSON AURORA RD    $210,400  17-APR-2015   
2338 OLDE FARM LN        $319,500  31-MAR-2015   
2704 MIDDLETON RD        $278,700  18-MAR-2015

Home Seller Showing Tip

You will want to put your valuables such as money and jewelry away when your house is being shown. Even though your homeowners insurance may cover such losses, the inconvenience and possibility of never being able to replace a family heirloom would be more than disappointing.

Wyoga Lake Home Sales 2105

4610 PINE RIDGE DR    $100,000   10-DEC-2015         
707 HAMPSHIRE RD      $295,000   24-NOV-2015
474 WYOGA LAKE BLVD   $246,000   20-NOV-2015    
4607 DIPLOMAT DR      $175,000   19-NOV-2015    
4636 PINE RIDGE DR    $171,000   06-NOV-2015    
4431 DEAUVILLE AVE    $164,400   18-SEP-2015    
578 MARTINIQUE CIR    $132,000   18-AUG-2015    
4495 DIPLOMAT DR      $200,000   24-JUL-2015    
482 TREESIDE DR       $139,700   21-JUL-2015    
403 TREESIDE DR       $130,000   06-JUL-2015    
4523 PINE RIDGE DR    $161,500   25-JUN-2015    
4486 COUNTRY CLUB     $164,500   19-JUN-2015    
4560 PINE RIDGE DR    $175,000   10-JUN-2015    
760 HAMPSHIRE RD      $207,000   30-APR-2015    
644 TREESIDE DR       $102,120   11-MAR-2015    
644 TREESIDE DR        $84,000   07-JAN-2015    
4614 DIPLOMAT DR      $160,000   05-JAN-2015

Emerald Woods Home Sales 2015

4763 EMERALD WOODS DR    $250,000  03-AUG-2015
4749 Hilary CIR          $254,000  05-JUN-2015    

Monday, January 11, 2016

Stow's Pebblehurst Sales 2015

4894 Clark Dr           $309,000     03-Dec-2015
4880 Pebblehurst      $317,900     25-June-2015
4917 Pebblehurst      $266,000     09-Mar-2015

Summit County Board of Revision Complaints

The Summit County Board of Revision is accepting complaints as to the value of real estate through March 31 ,2016. Following the filing of the complaint, a hearing will be held and a decision issued after evidence is provided. Call 330-643-2631 for details.

Should We Include a Pest Inspection Contingency with our Offer?

Should you hire a pest inspector? The answer is yes, yes, yes. In northeastern Ohio there are various wood destroying insects that can compromise a home. Carpenter ants, carpenter bees and termites are the most common. Don't worry though....there are various ways to treat and rid a home of these nuisances.

What Exactly is Earnest Money?

        In a thesaurus, a synonym for earnest is sincere. When purchasing real property, the buyer offers a sum of deposited money to be held to indicate their sincerity and intent to go through with the purchase process. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Summit County Owner Occupancy Tax Reduction

Did you know that there is a 2.5% deduction in Summit County real estate taxes that you may be eligible for? The property must be owner occupied on January 1 the year you file for the reduction. Apply no later than the first Monday in June. Call 330-643-2661 for more information.

Legend for Summit County Tax Cards

Click here for Summit County Tax Card Key

Steeplechase Home Sales 2015

481 BUTTEVANT DR         $256,000             25-NOV-2015     
286 STEEPLECHASE L    $258,850               01-JUL-2015                     
1418 BUTTEVANT DR       $290,000             23-JUN-2015                               
251 CHELTENHAM LN      $284,500             29-JAN-2015

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Partridge Highlands Home Sales 2015

4435 SMOKERISE DR            $181,900       18-DEC-2015
2721 HARTWOOD CR            $244,900       14-DEC-2015
3046 SAYBROOKE BLVD     $179,000       10-NOV-2015
2779 WILLIAMSBURG CIR   $181,000       09-OCT-2015
2810 SAYBROOKE BLVD     $195,900       29-SEP-2015
3049 WEXFORD BLVD          $192,000       25-SEP-2015
4251 BROOKPOINT CIR        $143,000       18-SEP-2015
2996 WILLIAMSBURG CIR   $192,000       30-JUL-2015
2690 WEXFORD BLVD          $130,000       27-JUL-2015
3093 WEXFORD BLVD          $190,000       20-JUL-2015
3143 WEXFORD BLVD          $176,000       20-JUL-2015
4266 BUNKER LN                   $195,000       17-JUL-2015
2836 WEXFORD BLVD          $167,000       10-JUL-2015
2908 WEXFORD BLVD          $153,500       30-JUN-2015
2847 SAYBROOKE BLVD      $209,000       15-JUN-2015
4389 STAFFORD CIR              $170,000       15-JUN-2015
2843 WILLIAMSBURG CIR    $152,000       09-JUN-2015
2810 WILLIAMSBURG CIR    $225,500      29-MAY-2015